Welcome back indeed. It's been nearly 6 months since my last adventure into the realm of Magic: the Gathering blogging. A lot has happened over the last half year. In the hopes of pursuing a higher education, I've recently moved to Tallahassee, Florida where I've found a new playgroup, and thus have become much more endeavored in paper Magic. An unfortunate side effect, however, is that my poor MTGO account only has 6 tickets banked, ZERO new pauper deck builds, and with an imminent set release on the horizon, this is never a good thing. That being said, I happy to say that I eagerly await the release of MTGO Innistrad this weekend, as I plan to draft a bit online to help aid my return to the pauper community, hopefully into open arms.
This time around, I will be playing in the ever-growing Monday PDC events (ran by Gwyned). From following him on Twitter, I have learned that the MPDC crowd is quite a different beast in comparison to that of SPDCs usual attendees, and I welcome the challenge with fisticuffs blazing. Haha, just kidding (but seriously, fisticuffs). As for now, I'd like to touch base on Innistrad and offer my thoughts from a pauper perspective, while going over what I believe will be the top 5 game changing commons from each color.
Let's start with the color I'm normally most fond of when it comes to deck building and play style, Red. Innistrad clearly loves us Fireball slinging, Jackal Pup petting, Goblin Guide scouting Red Mages. If there is a color in Innistrad that is going to be the primary contributor to the new Standard pauper metagame, it's of the Mountain enabled variety.
Anybody who played an artifact vandalizing, goblin charged RDW list from last season can tell you, opponents that can't block your dorks are generally boned. This card is the pinnacle of 'can't block'dom. And Flashback to boot? Expect to see a good amount of Bloodcrazed Neonates getting their fill this season.
Sure, she has a drawback, but when was the last time you saw a hyper aggressive Red deck that didn't want to turn its dudes sideways every turn? If you've been paying attention to true Standard over the last 2 weeks, you've already seen the havoc an unanswered Stromkirk Noble can wreak. If they don't have the answer within the first 2 cracks, it's going to get painful
This is actually my original choice for the number one Red card in Innistrad (in innistrad, ininnistrad, a ninni strad), especially considering we are on the back of an artifact cycle, but without Green, this is simply Shatter. However, I doubt this card will see play in decks that aren't capable of taking a stroll through the Forest, but in those tree friendly archtypes, Ancient Grudge will shine as the ultimate artifact hosing sideboard card. A few reasons to pack in the Shatter 2.0? Tumble Magnet, Negrogen Censer, SYLVOK LIFESTAFF.
Creatures legal in pauper with a toughness of 1(excluding the Bloodthirsty variety): 89. In a pauper setting, Geistflame is one of those removal spells that is so versatile, it's bordering on absurd. It's almost always a 2 for 1, and in some cases, a game winner, because it can go to the dome. Ever had your opponent at 1, and he rips a Lone Missionary (outdated) or a Sylvok Lifestaff, just in the nick of time, bringing him conveniently out of the red zone? (hahaha RED zone) Well fear not, my adorable Red Mages, Giestflame is here!
It sounds cliche, but this card literally requires no explanation. It's 3 converted Mana cost, does 3 damage, but surprise, if a dude died this turn, it gets in for FIVE DAMAGE. Considering almost every pauper decks primary win condition is turning dudes sideways (at least in Standard), Brimstone Volley is live more often than not. Don't even get me started on combo'ing with Furnace Scamp.
Overall, I think Red got quite a few new shinies to toy around with this season, and I'll just be upfront and honest: I'm tickled pink...errr...red, to play with them. RDW will most likely set the benchmark for control decks this season. If you can't slow down Bloodcrazed Neonates, Slash Panthers, or Furnace Scamp shenanigans, it is now time to rethink your strategy.
This Bonebreaker Giant can become a force to be reckoned with. At 7/7 (on the flipside), it is the largest creature in the format, and may enable cards like Fling to see play. It only dies to Doom Blade, does not fall Victim to the Night, and holds the fort better than any fort holder holding forts previously. Face Punch.
Some may question this pick, but if you've ever played against Pale Recluse, you understand just how hard it is to kill giant spiders. Sure, Somberwald Spider is an expensive Giant Spider, but when Morbid active, it's an even better defender than Alara Block's pesky arachnid. Splashing this card in a multi-color control deck isn't too bad of an idea, and once we get some more Mana fixers, it will possibly become a pauper staple.
Oh, how I remember the days of Blastoderm. Though not quite the unstoppable force Blastoderm is, this is probably my favorite creature in Innistrad limited, much like Bloodrage Berserkers was in m12. Festerhide Boar is an absolute powerhouse, providing your opponents blockers are thinned (or nonexistent) due to trades they will wish they hadn't made when you windmill slam this monstrosity on turn 4. Trample is a scarce mechanic in Standard pauper, and it's nice to have another playable creature to add to Greens very light card pool.
The ultimate blowout in some limited matchups, Travel Preperations transforms a nonthreatening turn 4 attack step into a game changing full on assault. It can make the lowliest Vault Skirge into a major threat, the sickliest Garruk's Companion into a mighty wolf-elk-boar thing, or a Llanowar Elves into LLANOWAR ELVES! My point is simple. Pump all the things.
Finally. Effective, cheap, Green removal. Prey Upon is the best Green removal spell since Hornet Sting (lol). Cards like Grizzled Outcast and Thundering Tanadon will reap obvious benefits, while unsuspecting creatures like Cystbearer will be able to take on the bigger baddies and survive to tell the tale. It is no longer safe to assume that your mono Green opponent can't burn your dudes.
All in all, Innistrad brought a few nice things to the table. I don't think that our friendly canopy cover lovers will be ready to go it alone this season, but Dark Ascension may change things. Until then, Green will most likely remain the sad splash-only color it has been.
I'm a huge fan of Flayer Husk, and a bigger, free-er Flayer Husk sounds awesome to me. More over, Elder Cathar does a few things Flayer Husk could never dream of. Elder Cathar never gets blocked when he has friends cheering him on. Even better still, people generally don't like to ground pound when the old man is around, for fear of empowering a more intimidating threat, like Leonin Skyhunter or Thraben Sentry. Elder Cathar should see a good amount of play as a 2of in many decks with aggressive strategies.
Talk about card advantage. Our unlucky wanderer is very good at snagging a couple points very early on. Then later, when he meets his inevitable demise to a bigger, more voracious monster, his spirit makes an appearance, ready and willing to steal a few more points. Cheap, disposable, and efficient, this card will certainly see a lot of action along side our #2 white card.
A veritable blowout in limited, Village Bell-Ringer has surprise on tap. In a lot of matchups (particularly the aggro vs. aggro), catching an alpha striking opponent off guard is often enough to win the game on the spot. If it isn't, Village Bell-Ringer ensures that you gain footing if your behind, or further your board position if you already have your opponent swinging for the fences. Flash is another one of those mechanics scarce to Standard pauper. This is something I hope changes in the future.
What can I say about Thraben Sentry that wasn't said about Festerhide Boar? At 4 Mana and a minor sacrifice, Thraben Sentry is a 5/4 with TRAMPLE. Yes, White has trample to add to it's arsenal, and on a very strong body as well. While cards like Perilous Myr, Fume Spitter, Elder Cathar, and Doomed Traveler will make the requirements for transforming seem painless, Thraben Sentry enables spells like Moment of Heroism to completely swing the momentum of a game.
Spare from Evil is essentially Brave the Elements, but better. Yes, I said better. Unlike the Zendikar uncommon, Spare from Evil does not discriminate based on color. In most cases, it makes your entire team unblockable, and if not the entire team, enough of them to be lethal. The combat tricks you can pull off are pretty impressive as well. I foresee this card being a staple in White sideboards, until it eventually lands in the main of every aggressive deck with White Mana sources.
White definitely got a nice push from Innistrad, especially in the creature department. With the addition of Doomed Traveler, Elder Cathar, Chapel Geist, and Thraben Sentry, White will hopefully (fingers crossed) be able to shake the Support/Control stigmata it has been stuck with, and finally breathe the fresh air of swift, unforgiving combat once more. Keep in mind though, upon rotation, White is losing Squadron Hawk, Kor Skyfisher, Kor Hookmaster, and Journey to Nowhere. That being said, it's unsure what the future holds for White Weenie enthusiasts, but whatever the metagame becomes, White will be prepared.
The number 5 slot for Blue was a tossup between Frightful Delusions and Lost in the Mist. I decided to include Lost in the Mist because of the sheer fact that it will never be a dead card. It is a hard counter, and provides much needed late game tempo. Frightful Delusions can be a 2 for 1 at times, but late game, it's a dead counter, and it's doubtful the discard will matter. Lost in the Mist can even pull some tricks with ETB creatures. This card will definitely be a miser 1of in my Blue lists.
'early game' |
'end game' |
Blue Skies players, rejoice! The time for all out aerial assaults is nigh! Delver of Secrets and Stitched Drake are everything that Blue needs to go back on the offensive, readily being accompanied by Spined Thopter, Skywinder Drake, Impaler Shrike, Vault Skirge, and even Hovermyr. Compliment your winged companions with some of the best counter magic in recent pauper Standard history (Mana Leak, Negate, Psychic Barrier), and copious amounts of evasive maneuvers like Frost Breath, Vapor Snag and its angrier cousin, Silent Departure, and you have yourself a pretty aggressive, tempo mastering Blue Skies.
Impulse is a very hard card to argue with. It was a true toss up between Forbidden Alchemy and Think Twice. Forbidden Alchemy was locked into second because for it to truly hit it's max potential, it requires accompaniment of Black. Not for the flashback cost, but to make use of the discarded portion of your Alchemical deed. I know I've mentioned him before, but Gravedigger pulls even more value out of a card that is, quite literally, overflowing.
Think Twice needs no introduction, as it has already proven it's worth in the pauper world, as well as the true Standard environment. It's instant speed makes it completely Mana efficient, allowing you to keep pace with your opponent. Late game, it provides a light acceleration while helping to dig for answers or fresh bodies. With this and Forbidden Alchemy, Blue based decks have the best chance of splashing multiple colors, so do be surprised if Esper builds are still rampant.
Blue Mages can't complain about Innistrad. New fliers, new counter magic, epic draw spells. It will be interesting to see how the new schools form, as Mages everyone decide between Ponder, Divination, Forbidden Alchemy, and Think Twice. I assume more contemplative Blue Mages will go the Ponder/Think Twice route, while the more reckless Mages will lean more to Divination and Forbidden Alchemy. Only time will tell.
'sneaky sneaky' |
'typhoid fever' |
The 2 peskiest creatures of Innistrad happen to share a color, Black. Fortunately, they aren't the least bit overpowered...more of a small inconvenience really. Typhoid Rats should undoubtedly eat removal, but occasionally they'll slow down the opponents ground game, because let's face it, everyone hates rats, especially diseased ones. Manor Skeleton is a different kind of nuisance, because he gets in for 1 on turn 2, and NEVER GOES AWAY.
Markov Patrician isn't your typical top 5er, but she does fill the 3cc slot in Black, a position that has been lacking since Alara Block rotated out. She may be very good at catching Geistflames, but should she go unanswered, or learn tactical evasion (read: FLYING), the life swing can completely change the game. In an ideallistic world, Markov Patrician even plays well with Dark Favor. At least she's stronger than Warpath Ghoul. Kind of.
Another prime Dark Favor target is Vampire Interloper. Black has always been lacking in the evasive department, but this Skulking Ghost improvement should clear those problems right up. 2 Mana for a 2 power flier is always good. Fitting this deck into a Blue Skies variant wouldn't be a terrible plan, since Black allows you to run a very solid removal sweet, as well as more draw power.
We may have lost Sign in Blood, but we get a sidegrade in Alter's Reap. Aside from its spashability, the best quality of Alter's Reap is its 'drawback'. Many players will regard the drawback as a reason not to play it, but look at it this way: The format is reliant on combat as a win condition. There will almost always be a casualty fitting for the Alter. If that isn't enough to sway you, what about a Thraben Sentry flip in response to attackers being declared? Still not happy? How about enabling morbid for Festerhide Boars, or better yet, Brimstone Volley?
More solid Black removal. With Geth's Verdict and Doom Blade, Victim of the Night should fit in nicely. There are only 31 creatures that Victim of the Night cannot target, and of those 31, only 6-8 should see regular play. My point being, there will always be someone ready to fall Victim, especially since the Night can fall on Black creatures. Take that Doom Blade.
If I sounded condescending or disinterested while covering Black, it's because I feel like Innistrad shafted Necromancers everywhere. It was immensely difficult to pick 5 cards to feature. Look at the card pool, it's horrendous. Curse of Oblivion? Brain Weevil? Rotting Fensnake? Let's hope Dark Ascension is truly Dark.
With the absence of Terramorphic Expanse, Evolving Wilds, and Prophetic Prism, Shimmering Grotto is almost a sure thing. Either this will be the season for mono colored decks, or Shimmering Grotto will step up and fill the incredibly big shoes that were left behind by our beloved pauper fetchlands.
This card thins your deck and shuffles on command, which is always nice in a format where Ponder sees play. The Mana fix isn't half bad either, and at 1cc, I'm sure we'll see Traveler's Amulet a time or two.
Though seemingly lacking, I feel like the contribution of artifacts/non-basic lands was appropriate from Innistrad. We had our fun with lands during Zendikar block and we have more than enough artifacts, thanks to Scars. Big beefy creatures and evasive creeps, pseudo-powerful spells and plenty of draw power makes Innistrad appear to be very relevant in the coming months.
Sorry it took so long to get this article put together/published. I've been balancing work, school, and a hefty cardboard play schedule. I've been piecing this together over the last to weeks, bit by bit. If you like my blog, and want to hear more about my magical endeavors, feel free to follow me on Twitter ---> @iprizefighter <--- and subscribe to my blog. Good luck on the next season, and I hope to meet you on the battlefield.
No mention of Ambush Viper!?
ReplyDeleteInteresting article though. I like the small card images and alternating left/right layout.
Also, I think Typhoid Rats is really, really good.
Joined the blog. Look forward to future posts!